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Saturday, 2 January 2016

Deleting spam mails - Part I

I really didn't know what sort of a post this title would make me write about. Wonder how I thought of this title in the first place? Well, I came across this from a website that suggested blog ideas to people like me who start a blog site, spend more time on its layout, template, the gadgets to be placed, but very little or no time to write anything at all. In fact, I started to blog in Tamil sometime last year, and even managed to post once. But then nothing else to post for months, and I just deleted it. Blogger even suggested me to start blogging in Hindi! *face-palms*

All I could do was successfully move a few posts from my WordPress blog to Blogger, and manage to organize the one mixed bag that I had into two blogs, one for book reviews and another for my musings. My previous attempts at blogging were - Random-Musings, Shangrila-Camelot (that sounded more like a kebab every time I think of that) and I don't remember what more, so organized was I that I forgot the email ids that were associated with these blogs and of course the passwords.

Forgot my email ids? Yes, I wanted to keep them personal with a nice pen name, which I took a lot of time to think about and choose, and concluded that choosing a name is indeed the most difficult job. And when I did choose a few, the email service providers were kind enough to reject my email id citing that such ids already existed, and added up some irrelevant numbers to the ones I chose. And by the time I got a post published, I was neck-deep into something else or the other and conveniently forgot the existence of such blogs, and hence forgotten.

All the writings lay half-written, in my Gmail drafts folder, and when my bipolar was at its worst the drafts were totally discarded, with no mercy.  It was just a few months back when I considered blogging seriously that I happened to find untitled word documents lurking in my desktop and laptop. Some were story ideas that I simply couldn't take to the next level due to my poor attention span.

When a friend suggested I write stories, I complained how it drained me. I mentioned in my recent post that once I start writing my subconscious churns out everything that sounds pathetic and fill my heart with some madness tinged with sadness. It is like this big grin that I wear is just a mask, and falls off every time I resort to writing. It worries me a lot into thinking whether I am so deeply hurt by something, whether I am not happy in real. A thousand questions that scare me out.

And then the friend suggested I blog then. But again, what would I write about? And I was asked to write about parenting, cooking and baking. I understand these are the usual ones a woman is thought to write with ease. But I don't think I can do any justice to these topics honestly. Probably because I am very poor in recommending things and generalizing. I can write about how I handle my kids and end up being handled by them, but that would not be a great tip to anyone. And yes I experiment a lot cooking and baking. But then once again I don't think they are worthy enough to be published.

Once I decided to publish often, I needed ideas, and that is how I spotted this helpful website. So coming back to the title... What a wacky weird am I? I start something  and end up writing something else completely different, don't I? So regarding spam mails... I think I should continue this in my next post and dedicate it completely to my spam folder and deleting the mails that fill them ;)