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Monday, 22 February 2016

Dreaming about you!

My thoughts grow wild and spread
their owlish wings and flutter
past his snoring nose,
across the lovely lilac lamp shade,
swishing past the curtains,
out of the interstice in the window,
on to  the lonely lamp post
standing tall right outside
the rusted gate, resembling
the lanky man who scared me
every time I crossed him
on my way to school.

With his devilish grin
and a crooked tooth,
spreading his thin hands
wide enough to catch me
laughing and coughing 
as I take a sprint,
tripping and falling
but never stopping.
Why do I run, why don't I stop
and give a cold stare?
I wonder and my thoughts 
hit me with their wings.

Before I think of a reply,
a closer enough reason,
they fly faster and higher
laughing loud, screeching hard
rustling the dark leaves
up the morning glory,
busy blooming its purple flowers.
Are these morning glory?
I ask and drift away again
slowing up my thoughts that
peck me a little hard
and signal me to stop.

Up we flew over the sea,
feeling Cold winds send
shivers up my spine,
watching boats and ships
that twinkle and fade
every time the
Light house moves its
white hands in a sweep.
The sea air with all it's salt
weighs me so much that I
jerk my legs a little
to stop me from falling.

Thoughts come swishing
down faster than they rose,
across the purple flowers of
The morning glory, over the
flickering lonely lamp post,
past the rusted gate,
into the interstice in the window,
across the thick curtains and
the lilac lamp shade,
across the man who stopped snoring
and now lie fully awake,
looking into my eyes with a
question on his lips,
that I reply with a lie,
covering it up with a smile,
and a twinkle in my eyes,
as I say, "... dreaming about you!"

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