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Monday, 4 July 2016

Walking alone with you...

It is raining, rather drizzling and as I open the windows, the pitter-patter sounds a little louder drowning the stray noises around. At times like this your absence become more pronounced.
Do you remember our long arguments over cups of steaming tea?

Yes, of all things you only remember our arguments.

I do remember those silent moments when words were superfluous too, the stupefying silence, like there were millions of words passing between us, each one understood exactly as they were meant to be, no disagreements, the perfect conversation, like a little prayer that doesn't ask for anything, feeling satiated with a never diminishing abundance.

A raindrop lands on the empty teacup, and takes the color of the residue. A fly buzzes around, circles and settles on the cup. On the first day we ever agreed on something, you made me tea, do you remember? How many spoons of sugar, stronger or lighter, cardamom or ginger... an endless list of questions for a single cup of tea!

An endless list of questions? I just wanted to make you a good cup of tea, though I am sure I always make a decent one. It was the first time I made it for you... But for the never stopping chatterer that you are, all that you did was leave everything to my wisdom.

I have never been particular about all that, and it never sounded that important to me.

Did anything ever sound important to you? I remember I was so excited about that sketch you made, spent hours choosing the frame for it, something that was good but simple enough to highlight your sketch, got it made and asking you where to place it. Do you remember what you told me? Throw it into the dustbin!

Sorry, I know that was rude. But it was one of those crappy days ever in my life, and I was feeling very low. I was telling you about all that, but you were not truly listening. You were just immersed in your own thoughts, not even bothering to hear me. If you did you wouldn't have asked me that question.

I thought it would lift your spirits.

It didn't. It only further dampened my spirits... like you were more bothered about that silly sketch I made and not me.

Silly sketch? Silly because it was me you sketched?

No, silly because I sketched it. I am sorry I always end up being rude, it just happens unintentionally.

I turn to the library, the sweet little library you left me with. Smelling each book that sits there majestically, I run my fingers across them like a ritual until my fingers brush past the wooden frame that holds my silly sketch of you.

What did you see in the childish pencil strokes that I made after your coaxes and woos? Do you know it was while sketching these lines, tracing your face after looking at the model picture you gave me, that I fell in love with you? Did the lines I etched betray my feelings to you?

You have stopped talking. Say something. The drizzle has stopped too... and it's so eerie. What happened to your... what do you call that... vocal diarrhea?

I chuckle. You know it felt yucky when you said that, but it always made me laugh, laugh so loudly mouth wide open, eyes closed, completely blind and deaf to the world. Conversations have turned to monologues these days, It is difficult you know, throwing questions and answering them the way you would, the words you use, the intonation, the rhythm intact with the laugh, anger, stress and everything that was you?

At times it sounds so silly, childish. This can't go on forever. It has to stop. This is draining me, taxing me. This absence, this vacuum is just imaginary, I know.

Yes, you know. You know everything. That is what I always said. You know everything but still choose to behave like you are inane.

You know something, I am feeling better now, after this soulful talk we had, imagining you are right there listening to me, talking to me, grinning at each of my words, like you understand me, and of course these books that we added to our shelves, our own little library that we both loved so dearly complete, with that silly framed sketch.

“Those who are near me do not know that you are nearer to me than they are
Those who speak to me do not know that my heart is full with your unspoken words
Those who crowd in my path do not know that I am walking alone with you
Those who love me do not know that their love brings you to my heart”

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Random musings - I

It happened to be the fifth time I was asking him to pack his project properly, liquid separately and the other items separately, and when he still didn’t budge from his place and went on his talks with his brother, I couldn’t hold my tongue anymore. It never works you know, soft words? You need to raise your voice put in an extra stress at certain places to let him know that you are an angry bird, and don’t stop with just the instruction, go on and on for a few minutes until he finishes his task.

When he was almost finished my dad turns up and rants on how the kid is perfect unlike his own (*rolling eyes*), there was enough time for things to be done and so on, and the kid looks at me accusingly like I was over reacting. 

It does hurt me too, but then did I have any option? As I try changing my mood listening to some music, positioning my headset, I find a tribal woman asking the woman seated next to me for some water to drink, which she gives. I close my eyes and remember that I have forgotten to bring my water bottle.

As a few songs go on, and I feel a little lighter, I open my eyes to check the station, and I see the tribal woman breastfeeding her kid. I close my eyes again and tears form ready to trickle bringing back the morning events, only now I feel my son wasn't wrong. One moment you have all reasons favoring you, you feel at peace, and the other moment something just punches you under the jaw.

As I switch off the music, I see that the tribal woman has left the train, and the old woman sitting across asks the one near me how could she offer water to that woman. She seemed to be surprised that the woman would ask and this one would give. The one who offered her the water said she was taken aback naturally, but how could she say no? What would people think? The older woman said she understood, and suggested the woman throw away the bottle.

The voice inside my mind grows louder and chants Krishna! We have countless stories and theories right from Vedas to Tolstoy that say God manifests around us in all beings, yet we would sing his praise, fast, act altruistic, thinking we are demigods, only to reiterate that we all still remain immature, insensitive, callous and grossly unsympathetic deep inside our hearts.

The warning

A crack, snap, hiss,
and he falls,
singed and scorched,
discolored and destroyed.
"I loved your frizzle",
I am startled.
And turn to see.
"Wasn't that you,
who sizzled?" he asks.

"Are you listening?"
he chuckles,
"I am talking to you",
he taunts.
My heart sways,
or is it a shiver?
Transparent wings,
splashing hues of
bright red and blue.

Seething in between
shades of yellow.
colors that danced,
that looked so pretty
swaying with style
until it cracked and snapped.
"What a gorgeous sway!"
he quips merrily as
I try to smile.

"It's not me,
it's the wind", I retort .
"Yes! It was the wind,
but since it is
I who say,
it must be you."
"You think I am
burning for you?"
I chortle and giggle.

"You entice me
with your colors,
you invite me
with your warmth"
he plays with a hiss.
"that sounds accusing,
Blue ghost*" I smirk.
"You know me?"
"I have seen your likes."

"You may have,
but they were likes
not Me" he guffaws.
He sneers and steers
close enough, and
I shout, "Stop there!
You are foolish!
Stay back, don't
you come near"

"Woman, you are here
to hear, not order"
he stares with
an anger so intense,
"You pride yourself
of your uninviting sway.
And yet with a
slight flicker, I ask you
for tonight not forever."

and so I stopped
my shouts and retorts.
A foolhardy male
never heeds a warning.
Though I go cold
his transparent wings
turn sparkling yellow
and with a crack, snap
and hiss he falls,
singed and scorched,
discolored and destroyed.

*Blue ghost - a type of firefly.
** My note - The narration is by flame and this is dedicated to fireflies whose memories remain just inspirations. Words keep adding to this, and I wonder if I should write a part II.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

When I was little I believed

When I was little I believed that
all that I was doing and
all that happened to me
were things I was reciting
about my past from a future.
Who was I in the future?
To whom was I telling my past?

When I was little I believed that
all that went wrong and
all that wounded me
were things that were leaving
as the new day dawned.
Is it still night?
Or has it dawned?

When I was little I believed my
bent halluces were normal
and never did I shy
though a little sad for those
I thought were deprived.
Was it insolence?
Or was it ignorance?

Monday, 6 June 2016

Back to school!

It is a great relief every time the new school year starts after the summer break. Since the kids leave home early, I manage time better. My ears are relieved as I hear less of the loud explosion sounds from their gaming. I get to kindle more now, as they would not be downloading too many books that literally erase my books from view. I don’t have to plan their vacation – movies, restaurants, gaming, toys or places? I don’t have to call up often and coax them into eating the food that I packed and kept right near the desktop.

But this year something in me is worried. Just a day for the school to start, and I ask can’t it be one more week. Maybe I would start crying the moment they leave to school. God! Do I need a day off to cry or cover myself with enough work to forget about them, I wonder? Is it the guilt pang that I was not able to be with them to my heart’s content? Is it because they are growing up or because I am getting old?

They seem to have grown up, more understanding of my lack of time and more accommodating of my temper tantrums. They are more like friends now, sitting shoulder to shoulder lying on the couch watching TV, shouting with excitement every time our hero kicks the villain in the butt, laughing uncontrollably when the silliest of things happen, rapping and making dance movements, exclaiming how people watch silly soaps, discussing why that book had such a plot or this movie had such a dialogue. Every time Tom Hiddleston makes an appearance there will be a snide look-at-your-Loki remark.

And of course, the never-ending questions my younger one asks about the Harry Potter series. "If only a true Gryffindor can see the sword inside the sorting cap, can Ron Weasley see it?" he asks. I think about it and mutter, "Well! possibly. Why do you ask?" and he retorts, "all the Weasleys are in Gryffindor that's why." The other day he says, "Snape looks so sweet, if only he smiles he'll look even sweeter don't you think?", and I am so enthralled that I reveal what is in store in the last book. He immediately gets so excited and says, "I knew it already!"

Yesterday as I was watching teenage mutant Ninja turtles on screen and screaming with the kids, I was surprised how my interests have changed. I have never loved action movies and loud sound. But here I am feeling an adrenaline rush and a loud laugh every time the turtles punch the bad guys. I have never liked the ninja turtles leave alone favoring them. But now I am googling their names and history. Maybe the kids are approaching the teen phase, and that is having its impact on me, as the welcome hugs and kisses as I step in from work are replaced by a wave of the hand and a hi Ma!

As I keep reminiscing all this and feel heavy, chances are they come up with some mischief today and I end up wishing the school starts a day early! 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Dreaming about you!

My thoughts grow wild and spread
their owlish wings and flutter
past his snoring nose,
across the lovely lilac lamp shade,
swishing past the curtains,
out of the interstice in the window,
on to  the lonely lamp post
standing tall right outside
the rusted gate, resembling
the lanky man who scared me
every time I crossed him
on my way to school.

With his devilish grin
and a crooked tooth,
spreading his thin hands
wide enough to catch me
laughing and coughing 
as I take a sprint,
tripping and falling
but never stopping.
Why do I run, why don't I stop
and give a cold stare?
I wonder and my thoughts 
hit me with their wings.

Before I think of a reply,
a closer enough reason,
they fly faster and higher
laughing loud, screeching hard
rustling the dark leaves
up the morning glory,
busy blooming its purple flowers.
Are these morning glory?
I ask and drift away again
slowing up my thoughts that
peck me a little hard
and signal me to stop.

Up we flew over the sea,
feeling Cold winds send
shivers up my spine,
watching boats and ships
that twinkle and fade
every time the
Light house moves its
white hands in a sweep.
The sea air with all it's salt
weighs me so much that I
jerk my legs a little
to stop me from falling.

Thoughts come swishing
down faster than they rose,
across the purple flowers of
The morning glory, over the
flickering lonely lamp post,
past the rusted gate,
into the interstice in the window,
across the thick curtains and
the lilac lamp shade,
across the man who stopped snoring
and now lie fully awake,
looking into my eyes with a
question on his lips,
that I reply with a lie,
covering it up with a smile,
and a twinkle in my eyes,
as I say, "... dreaming about you!"

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Deleting spam mails - Part I

I really didn't know what sort of a post this title would make me write about. Wonder how I thought of this title in the first place? Well, I came across this from a website that suggested blog ideas to people like me who start a blog site, spend more time on its layout, template, the gadgets to be placed, but very little or no time to write anything at all. In fact, I started to blog in Tamil sometime last year, and even managed to post once. But then nothing else to post for months, and I just deleted it. Blogger even suggested me to start blogging in Hindi! *face-palms*

All I could do was successfully move a few posts from my WordPress blog to Blogger, and manage to organize the one mixed bag that I had into two blogs, one for book reviews and another for my musings. My previous attempts at blogging were - Random-Musings, Shangrila-Camelot (that sounded more like a kebab every time I think of that) and I don't remember what more, so organized was I that I forgot the email ids that were associated with these blogs and of course the passwords.

Forgot my email ids? Yes, I wanted to keep them personal with a nice pen name, which I took a lot of time to think about and choose, and concluded that choosing a name is indeed the most difficult job. And when I did choose a few, the email service providers were kind enough to reject my email id citing that such ids already existed, and added up some irrelevant numbers to the ones I chose. And by the time I got a post published, I was neck-deep into something else or the other and conveniently forgot the existence of such blogs, and hence forgotten.

All the writings lay half-written, in my Gmail drafts folder, and when my bipolar was at its worst the drafts were totally discarded, with no mercy.  It was just a few months back when I considered blogging seriously that I happened to find untitled word documents lurking in my desktop and laptop. Some were story ideas that I simply couldn't take to the next level due to my poor attention span.

When a friend suggested I write stories, I complained how it drained me. I mentioned in my recent post that once I start writing my subconscious churns out everything that sounds pathetic and fill my heart with some madness tinged with sadness. It is like this big grin that I wear is just a mask, and falls off every time I resort to writing. It worries me a lot into thinking whether I am so deeply hurt by something, whether I am not happy in real. A thousand questions that scare me out.

And then the friend suggested I blog then. But again, what would I write about? And I was asked to write about parenting, cooking and baking. I understand these are the usual ones a woman is thought to write with ease. But I don't think I can do any justice to these topics honestly. Probably because I am very poor in recommending things and generalizing. I can write about how I handle my kids and end up being handled by them, but that would not be a great tip to anyone. And yes I experiment a lot cooking and baking. But then once again I don't think they are worthy enough to be published.

Once I decided to publish often, I needed ideas, and that is how I spotted this helpful website. So coming back to the title... What a wacky weird am I? I start something  and end up writing something else completely different, don't I? So regarding spam mails... I think I should continue this in my next post and dedicate it completely to my spam folder and deleting the mails that fill them ;)